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KRS: 0000260697

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Nr konta Diakonii Polskiej:

78 1240 1037 1111 0000 0693 1384

Support for integration programs for refugees

Integration of refugees at the Lutheran Parish in Nidzica (photo: PEA Nidzica)

Refugees face many difficulties. Fleeing from the war, they leave behind their livelihoods, work or school, sometimes they also have to leave their loved ones behind. They experience a threat to life and health. In a new place, they usually don’t have anyone they know, they have to take care of themselves and their family, and in addition they don’t know the language. In order for them to function well, integration programs are needed, thanks to which they will be able to learn Polish, meet people, talk about their problems and function more freely in the new reality.

Diaconia Poland acquired and donated funds for integration programs run in parishes and institutions hosting refugees from Ukraine. This made it possible to organize language courses, refugee assistance, summer holidays, trips, activities for children, etc.

The support program for integration programs for refugees was implemented by Diaconia Poland in cooperation with Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe and other partners.


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