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Jesteśmy organizacją pożytku publicznego

KRS: 0000260697

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Nr konta Diakonii Polskiej:

78 1240 1037 1111 0000 0693 1384

Transport of refugees

(photo: Archiwum EDW)

In a situation of war and mass flight of civilians from military operations, one of the most important needs is to provide refugees with safe transport to places of refuge. Especially at the beginning of the conflict, when the borders of Ukraine were crossed by several dozen, and sometimes even over a hundred thousand people a day, it was necessary to organize efficient transport for them. Diaconia Poland, in cooperation with Polish and foreign partners, coordinated the transport of refugees to Poland and other countries.

In the organization of the transport of refugees, Diaconia Poland cooperated with the Protestant Military Chaplaincy, the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland, Mediterranean Hope, and other partners.