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KRS: 0000260697

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Nr konta Diakonii Polskiej:

78 1240 1037 1111 0000 0693 1384

Rental assistance (cash for rent)



Diaconia Poland, in partnership with Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe and with the financial support of the German Humanitarian Assistance of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Deutsche Humanitäre Hilfe des Auswärtigen Amts), is implementing a support program for refugees from Ukraine on the rental market. The program is designed to support refugees who are currently in difficult housing situation and have the potential to become independent over the course of the program. The program is implemented from September 2023 to June 2024 and aims to improve the housing situation of refugees in Poland in the medium and long term.

The program provides:

  • support in finding an apartment on the market;
  • administrative and legal support in signing the lease agreement (optional: support in this area via the Pacto app, which provides a legally confirmed, easy to understand and translated agreement);
  • optional: management of the lease relationship via the Pacto app;
  • financial support for renting a new apartment: up to PLN 2,000 every month for a maximum of 6 months;
  • support on the labor market for improving professional qualifications and learning the language.

Only families (households) that meet all of the following conditions can participate in the program:

  • they came to Poland with reference to the armed conflict in Ukraine and are registered in Poland (PESEL or other permit);
  • they are not beneficiaries of a similar program provided by NGOs;
  • they are in a difficult housing situation (living in collective accommodation, hostels, host families, parish houses, without a rental agreement) and at the same time show the potential to become financially independent over the course of the program.

The program is not open to direct applications. To apply for assistance, one must apply to a local partner (Lutheran parish or NGO). After recognizing the situation, the local partner, together with the family representative, submits an application to the program.


More about this program in Polish and Ukrainian here