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Nr konta Diakonii Polskiej:

78 1240 1037 1111 0000 0693 1384

Support for parishes hosting refugees

A room in the Lutheran Nursing Home “Tabita” in Konstancin-Jeziorna near Warsaw, renovated for refugees from Ukraine (photo: PEA Świętej Trójcy w Warszawie)


As a result of the Russian regime’s armed invasion of Ukraine, several million refugees fled the country, many of them to Poland. One of the basic needs that had to be provided to them was an accommodation. Dozens of Lutheran parishes in Poland offered their premises for this purpose. However, it was necessary to adapt them – renovate, purchase the necessary equipment. Diaconia Poland acquired and donated funds for this purpose. Thanks to this, many refugees found shelter. Some parishes also run integration programs for refugees.

The support program for parishes hosting refugees was implemented by Diaconia Poland in cooperation with Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe and other partners.


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