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Nr konta Diakonii Polskiej:

78 1240 1037 1111 0000 0693 1384

Call for donations for refugees on the Polish-Belarusian border

21 października 2021

Diaconia Poland calls for donations for refugees on the Polish-Belarusian border. The appeal was made jointly by the Bishop of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland and the President of Diakonia Poland. The situation is very complex and require an immediate response.

Every day, the situation on the border becomes more and more difficult. Groups of people, including families with small children, are staying outside any building, seeking shelter and assistance. The increasingly low temperature causes extreme cold. What is more, there are also confirmed cases where people died because they had not received any help.

Call for help

„As Christians, we are called to show mercy to people in need and to take an active care. Helping those who find themselves in difficult life situations is, in this context, a supreme value, regardless of one’s origin, religion or social position” – bishop Jerzy Samiec and bishop Ryszard Bogusz wrote in their statement. „This is why we cannot remain indifferent to the fate of those who wish to start a new life far from conflict, persecution, inequality and social injustice” – they added.

Direct actions

Diaconia Poland launches direct support for refugees and migrants. The goal is to help people incarcerated in detention centres as well as those who cross the Polish border and do not have access to any dry and warm clothes, accommodation or meals. The aid kits prepared by Diaconia Poland include water, energy bars, gel hand warmers, plasters, thermal wrap and fleece blankets. Support will be provided also for persons waiting in one of the polish centres for foreigners. After need identification, clothing, hygiene products, food and art materials for children will be donated.

Donations for refugee relief can be made through Lutheran parishes in Poland or individually. Deadline is December 31st. Please use our bank account, the reference note is „Refugees”:


Name of the Bank:


Account holder:


IBAN-bank account number:

SWIFT code:

Bank PEKAO S.A., I O/Warszawa

Pl. Bankowy 2, 00-950 Warszawa

Diakonia Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego w RP

00-246 Warszawa, ul. Miodowa 21

PL 56 1240 1037 1978 0000 0693 1401 (EUR)



Thank you for all your help, every support makes a huge difference!

The full paper to be found here: EN Call for Donations