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KRS: 0000260697

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Nr konta Diakonii Polskiej:

78 1240 1037 1111 0000 0693 1384

Diaconia Poland responds to COVID-19 pandemic

31 marca 2020

“Let us show our solidarity in this tough time” – appeal in joint statement president of Diaconia Poland and presiding bishop of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland. They call for help people who suffer from the effects of the pandemic of coronavirus the most. Diaconia Poland responds to COVID-19 pandemic and raises funds for help people who need support in necessary shopping as well as children and youth who have no possibility of the on-line education.

“Helping people is one of the pillars of Diaconia. Nowadays the responsibility for each other can be shown on the one hand by limitation or full refraining from the activities which are not necessary for us, and on the other hand by organized coordination of mutual help. Let us show our solidarity in this tough time”, wrote president of Diaconia Poland bishop Ryszard Bogusz and presiding bishop of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland Jerzy Samiec in their joint statement concerning help people who suffer from the effects of the epidemic of COVID-19 the most.

Both bishops appeal for contribution to help these people. “Let us be sensitive for needs of these, whose living can be especially difficult in the face of the coronavirus – people who are elderly, lonely, ill, with disabilities, as well as children and youth who need support”, they wrote.

Diaconia Poland wants to help those who need in these days support in necessary daily shopping and transport. Due to epidemic threat schools are closed and the education is run on-line. However, lot of children and youth have no necessary devices. Sometimes few members of the family must share one device and they can’t afford more. Diaconia Poland wants to buy tablets for these people, to prevent educational exclusion.


Any donation for these goals can be transferred to the following bank account:

Diaconia Poland
Miodowa 21, 00-246 Warszawa
Bank PEKAO S.A. I O/Warszawa
IBAN: PL 56 1240 1037 1978 0000 0693 1401 (EUR)
Transfer description: “Epidemic Help”