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KRS: 0000260697

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Nr konta Diakonii Polskiej:

78 1240 1037 1111 0000 0693 1384

Let’s help the flood victims

16 września 2024

In recent days, the residents of several Central European countries, including southern Poland, have been facing a catastrophic flood. The rising waters have already claimed their first victims, thousands of people have had to be evacuated from flooded areas, and many have lost their homes and livelihoods. The president of the Diaconia Poland and the presiding bishop of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland are appealing for donations to help those affected by the disaster.

The full text of the appeal is published below:


for donations to help
those affected by the floods in Poland


Sisters and Brothers!

In recent days, the residents of several Central European countries have been facing a catastrophic flood. It has also affected southern areas of Poland, including Lower Silesia, Opolian Silesia, and Cieszyn Silesia. The rising waters have already claimed their first victims, thousands of people have had to be evacuated from flooded areas, and many have lost their homes and livelihoods.

Many cities and villages have been flooded, with homes, roads, bridges, public buildings, and other infrastructure damaged or destroyed. In some places, this year’s flood has caused greater damage than in 1997 and 2010. We do not yet know the full extent of the losses, as the floodwaters continue to reach new areas. However, we already know that addressing the aftermath of this disaster will require significant resources and years of effort.

Therefore, in these difficult times, we appeal for help for those affected by this flood. Let us show solidarity with those who are suffering due to the devastation caused by this disaster. Every gift given will be a testimony of love for a neighbour in need. Even the smallest contribution can help improve the difficult situation of the residents of the flooded areas.

Financial donations to assist those affected by the flood can be transferred individually until October 15, 2024 to the bank account of Diaconia Poland with a reference note “Powodz 2024”.


Bank transfer details:

Diakonia Kościoła Ewangelicko-Augsburskiego w RP
ul. Miodowa 21, 00-246 Warszawa, Poland
Bank PEKAO S.A. I O/Warszawa
Bank account (for Euro): PL 56 1240 1037 1978 0000 0693 1401


Bishop Jerzy Samiec

Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Church
of the Augsburg Confession in Poland

Bishop Ryszard Bogusz

President of Diaconia Poland


Warsaw, 16.09.2024


Download: text of the appeal